The Macao East Asian Games Dome, also known as the “Macau Egg,” is a prominent landmark in Cotai, Macau. This iconic sports arena was constructed to host the 4th East Asian Games in 2005. With its distinctive oval-shaped dome, the dome has become a symbol of Macau’s commitment to sports and entertainment.
The dome is a multi-functional facility, accommodating a variety of sporting events, concerts, and other cultural activities. It houses several venues, including a main arena, a sub-arena, and a multi-purpose hall. These spaces can be configured to suit different events, from basketball and badminton tournaments to large-scale concerts and exhibitions.
Beyond its sporting and entertainment functions, the Macao East Asian Games Dome also serves as a training center for various sports. It provides state-of-the-art facilities and resources for athletes to hone their skills and prepare for competitions.